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UncommonGreen Customizable Hometown Maps Barware Review | Emily Reviews
By Emily Benzing

September 28th, 2016

Thank you to UncommonGreen for sending me this product in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Growing up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania means having hometown pride at all times. When I was little, I was raised to love hockey, football, and the city itself. Our house had Pittsburgh items everywhere from mugs, to pictures, clothes, and anything you can think of. Pittsburgh even has it’s own ‘language’ and it’s branded on t-shirts everywhere. Hometown pride is something that does not fall short here. This stands true for most cities. I guarantee everyone has one thing they’re passionate about from their hometown.

I was very excited to partner with UncommonGreen to review their new Home Town Maps Barware collection. They’ve had etched maps barware before, but now you have the option to customize them with any city of your liking. I thought this was a great way to showcase where I’m from without having all the excess Pittsburgh items I had when I was growing up.



Ordering from UncommonGreen is easy. All you do is choose a glass, start typing in your hometown, and the search functionality will do the rest. You can choose from etched rocks, pints, carafes, mugs, and stemless wine glasses. You can also include an additional side etch on the glass, if you’d like. These are made-to-order so the shipping usually takes 1-2 weeks for custom glasses. You can choose from their in-stock offerings for more popular cities and less shipping time.

All glasses are designed and made in the US. UncommonGreen also uses materials and packaging from the US, and employs Earth-friendly practices. They are even dishwasher safe.


Maps are engraved into the surface of the glass, giving it a textured feel. You can clearly see all the detail that goes into the engraving. All the streets and surrounding small cities are listed. On the side of my glass, the coordinates for Pittsburgh are there as well.

I can’t help but think that these glasses would be a great gift and conversation piece. You don’t even have to use your hometown. Maybe you’d like to have the city where you got married, or where you had some sort of special event. Everyone has a place that means something to them .


Overall, I think UncommonGreen did a great job with the glasses. The quality is beautiful and unique. The engraving is extremely detailed. Some glasses just print on their designs which result in them washing off. You don’t have to worry about that happening with these because they’re permanently in the glass. I love showing off my hometown pride in subtle, but useful ways.

Buy It: If you like what you see, check out UncommonGreen’s website for more products and for their Home Town Maps Barware collection

Connect: Follow UncommonGreen on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram for more info

Emily B


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