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Nutrisystem Update ~ Tips For Overcoming Weight Loss Obstacles | Emily Reviews

Thank you to Nutrisystem for providing me with products in exchange for this honest blog review. All opinions are 100% my own.
For the last three weeks, my weight loss has been stagnant. I thought it was due to the two weeks I was ill; however, now I am wondering if I have hit a plateau. Today I decided to go back to the basics to make sure I am following the Nutrisystem Uniquely Yours plan to a tee.

Food Journaling- I will be journaling all of my food intake with the Nutrisystem NuMi app. It gives me the nutritional information for a plethora of Nutrisystem foods as well as other favorites. The NuMi app is super easy to use and is of great help.

Activity- I have a FitBit activity tracker that I rarely use (I don’t know why.) I charged it and set reminders to be active every hour. I also set up a few step challenges with my mom. We are going to see who walks the most steps each week.

Menu Mix Up- I am far hungrier in the early-middle part of the day. It makes no sense for me to eat the lightest meals of my day, during that time frame. I am going to flip my menu around to fit my needs. I will eat a dinner meal at lunch time. Then when my family is eating dinner, I have my lunch meal.

Water- It is pretty simple, your body needs water to work efficiently and effectively. I am terrible at drinking water! Luckily, I can log my water intake in the NuMi app. This will help keep me accountable.

Mindset Makeover- I want to make sure I am not self-sabotaging my progress. I am going to pay close attention to my inner conversations. I need to cut all negative self-talk (don’t we all.) I also need to make sure I am making my health a priority.

If I don’t see or feel results next week, then I will reach out to my Nutrisystem personal counselor. I know she is available to help with anything I need.


Are you interested in learning more about Nutrisystem? Please visit the Nutrisystem website to see the great selection of products and programs they have to offer.

Don’t forget to follow Nutrisystem on facebook, twitter, instagram and youtube for the latest announcements and special offers.

Laurie 2014 signature

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