Thank you to Nutrisystem for providing me with products in exchange for this honest blog review. All opinions are 100% my own.

You have made the decision to lose weight with the help of Nutrisystem. Now what? Now it’s time to look at the different plans Nutrisystem has to offer. Nutrisystem has three main plans to chose from- Basic, Core, and Uniquely Yours.

Each plan is available in a pack for women and a pack for men. Women will get four meals a day- breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack. Men will receive five meals a day- breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks. All three plans come with free shipping, free online tracking tools, and use of the free NuMi app.

Nutrisystem Foods

The Basic plan is a great place to start if you want to “test the waters.” You will receive everything I mentioned above.

Core plan offers a bit more flexibility. You will be able to have more meal choices as well as access to the Nutrisystem counselors and dietitians. If you need support and guidance along with food flexibility, the Core plan may be the place for you to start.

If you want complete control, then the Uniquely Yours plan is for you. With Uniquely Yours, you get everything mentioned above PLUS access to the full menu with over 150 foods to choose from…including the delicious frozen foods.

Are you a diabetic or vegetarian? Don’t worry, each of the three plans also come in pack designed to fit your dietary needs.

Right now, when you place your first Nutrisystem order, you will receive a Turbo Takeoff kit. The Turbo Takeoff kit has a week’s meals specially designed to jumpstart your weight loss.

Which Nutrisystem plan do you think would best fit your needs?

Are you interested in learning more about Nutrisystem? Please visit the Nutrisystem website to see the great selection of products and programs they have to offer.

Don’t forget to follow Nutrisystem on facebook, twitter, instagram and youtube for the latest announcements and special offers.

Laurie 2014 signature


This post currently has 7 responses.

  • Barrie

    Wow, Nutrisystem sure has changed from even a few years ago! So many plans to choose from but i like the versalitity!

  • Peggy Nunn

    These are great plans. There are so many choices. They are really set up for everyone.

  • ellen beck

    I would probably start with basic. I honestly would think I would cheat on the uniquely yours plan there is too much good stuff. I really like how it comes with the turbo when you order, that would be a good motivator.

  • Amber Ludwig

    I think I would need the Uniquely yours plan!! I really like to limit carbs and try to not have a lot of dairy so I would need to work around that!!

  • Deborah D

    I had no idea there were plans that you could choose from. This is a very informative post.

  • Patricia Macomber

    The advantages of Nutrisystem are described well. However, the disadvantages should be noted, too. For a person such as myself, there is far too much carbohydrate in the meals and too much sugar. The diabetic version relies on artificial sweetener which is worse than sugar unless you are diabetic. The vegetarian version relies on pastas and grains. If you need a high protein/low carb diet as I do, be prepared to spend several hundred dollars to get past the “first two months” so that you can shop a la carte. The second month, I asked for no snacks, no cookies, no muffins, no cereal, no pasta and yet received a package that included muffins and cookies. Even some of the bars should be avoided because of the high sugar content. I plan to keep purchasing selected items because of the convenience of not having to refrigerate them. In two months, I lost four pounds, which was a lot of doing without and a lot of money spent for the result.

  • Jeanine Carlson

    I love how they’ve expanded their choices so you can get exactly what works for you!

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