By Lakota

February 23rd, 2018

So here we are at week 38. I could technically go into labor at any point really but I’ve always carried over so we will see! I am so excited and given that I have done this twice before I knew the last few weeks would be hard. I tried my best to hold off doing almost all baby prepping until the end so I would have things to keep me busy. I’d say those things I pushed back were done about two weeks ago. So now here I am at 38 weeks sharing with you all the few things I am doing to help pass these last few weeks.


5 tips to pass the last few weeks of pregnancy

1.Making Birth Affirmations/Readying Birth Space

I’m not entirely sure that I will even use or read these affirmation cards during labor but they have a positive vibe to them and they require craftiness which I’m always in the mood for. Some of my favorite affirmations are below:

  • I surrender with confidence
  • My job is to simply relax and allow the birth to happen
  • My courage and patience will send my baby into my arms

I also chose to hang twinkle lights, for both lighting and mood setting I cant wait to bask in their dimly lit glow while bringing little one to this world!

5 tips to pass the last few weeks of pregnancy

2.Making a Playlist

Given that my last birth was so quick I almost decided that making playlist wasn’t worth my time. Although once I got bored I decided to start making one and as I did I sort of got weepy at the thought of laboring through some of my favorite songs. I am so ready to surrender to contractions, let them flow and experience all that labor will be this time. I’m still not sure that I will use it but it will be nice to already have done and ready if I do decide I need it.

5 tips to pass the last few weeks of pregnancy

3.Taking Care of Myself

I have been doing my best to make sure that I am taking care of myself. Making time for epsom salt baths when needed and other things like taking time to pick out books I might want to read while little one naps or nurses. My husband got me a massage recently to help treat myself and relax, and I think in the next couple days I’ll go get a pedicure with him to just enjoy some fun time together while both getting pampered.

5 tips to pass the last few weeks of pregnancy

4.Afterbirth Freezer Meal Prep

This is something I wish I would have done more of with my last pregnancies but didn’t get the chance. I really do hate,  grocery shopping and meal prep right now but I keep telling myself it will be worth it when my husband and I don’t have to worry about meals being cooked and can just relax into family time. I also know that I will be grateful for make ahead meals once my husband goes back to work, easy pop in the microwave or oven type stuff with homemade ingredients will be perfect.

5 tips to pass the last few weeks of pregnancy

5.Talking with Friends

My husband and I usually hole up for quite a while after the baby is born, to eliminate germs coming into the house as well as just to relax and enjoy time we know we wont ever get back. We make it a point to make sure we get out and socialize quite a bit before the baby is born so we arent left feeling too isolated right afterwards. We made time for a dinner date together, I had a very close friend come hang out and visit for a few hours the other day and we are getting ready to double date with a couple friend of ours this weekend. I know this friend time will be cherished as it’s just so hard to make time for friend hang outs once the little one is actually here. Between sleeping, caring for the other kids, time with each other and close family time friends can fall by the wayside in those early weeks so we make sure we keep close right beforehand.

I can’t wait to update you all on how our homebirth goes! And share pics of our newest bundle of joy and everything that a third baby brings to a family! Stay tuned I only have a few weeks left!

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