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WeBoost 4G Connect: Give The Gift Of Better Cell Signal | Emily Reviews
WeBoost 4g Connect cell signal booster

Thank you WeBoost for sending the 4g connect for my gift guide. All opinions are my own.

Our house is built into the backside of a hill. We are in a fairly rural area and we are outside of town as well. This means we often cannot get a strong enough signal inside our house to make a phone call. It’s primarily an issue with our house, as we get solid phone signal around town or at other people’s homes. In the summer, we just walk around outside when talking on the phone. In the winter it feels far more inconvenient as we don’t want to walk around on the phone when it’s 10 degrees and there is a foot of snow on the ground.

WeBoost makes a wide range of cell phone signal boosters designed for homes, offices and vehicles. I think you would have a hard time finding someone who wouldn’t appreciate the gift of better cell phone signal!

WeBoost 4g Connect cell signal booster

We were sent the 4G Connect. Unfortunately, I haven’t yet had a chance to get this set up due to being very busy with my gift guide and having a close loved-one who I’m trying to assist as they face a major health crisis. I will be doing a true, full review once we have first hand experience, so stay tuned for that. I just had to tell you guys about WeBoost before the holidays got here so that you would know about them for holiday shopping purposes!

The 4G Connect is designed for mid-sized homes or offices (up to 5,000 square feet) and can increase cell signal up to 32x in strength! It even enhances 4g LTE and 3g signals. WeBoost helps boost the signal for all cell phone carriers in the US, it is not limited to any one carrier.  The WeBoost 4G connect offers more reliable cell phone signal, more consistent data speeds, faster data download, and potentially even up to 2 hours of additional talk time in weak signal areas!

The 4G Connect has over 700 reviews on the WeBoost website and has an average of 4.5 star ratings. That’s how pleased with the 4g Connect people are!

weboost 4g connect home signal booster

Curious how it works? The 4G Connect has an outdoor antenna that you place near your home or office. The antenna reaches out to a local cell tower to acess voice and data signals. Then the booster receives the signal fro the outdoor antenna which amplifies the signal 32X, and then sends it to the inside antenna. The indoor antenna then broadcasts the boosted signal to your devices.

If you know someone who travels, check out the weBoost vehicle signal boosters. They are great options for those who travel for work or like to travel via RV for vacation.

This post currently has 16 responses.

  • Nancy Lee Epps

    This is a very cool device and gift idea, we live out in tge county for one so signal is not good and also a tin roof makes it even more harder for a good signal.

  • gloria patterson

    This is something that my niece needs they have a lot of problems with their cells out in the country where they live. This is something we need to do some more checking into.

  • Brandon Sparks

    This is a perfect gift idea. I would love to get a gift such as this. This is something that I could really use..

  • Tamra Phelps

    This would be really useful around here. There are nearby rural areas where you’re always trying to get a good signal.

  • This is a great gift idea and would be great for my daughter who lives in a rural area and doesn’t get the best reception.

  • Lauryn R

    This sounds like an awesome device! I think everyone could use a better signal. This would definitely make a perfect gift, thanks for sharing!

  • Dana Rodriguez

    This sounds really nice. This would be perfect for us when traveling!

  • ellen beck

    This sounds great. We are actually in town, but if we go into the garage it’s like things drop. The portable phone doesnt work there nor does the internet work well (hubby has an old computer out there) I think this would make things much better.

  • Alice F

    This is the perfect gift! It is so frustrating when there isn’t good phone coverage. Weboost would take care of that!

  • Alice F

    This is the perfect gift! It is so frustrating when there isn’t good phone coverage. Weboost would take care of that!

  • D.B.

    This would definitely be a useful gift to give. I have some family who live in rural areas with reception issues that would love this!

  • Julie Waldron

    This would be great for my daughter, she takes gets a terrible signal at her workplace. It would also be great for travel!

  • Michelle S

    What a great product! We have pretty good coverage but my sister lives farther out from town and they complain about this same problem. I will have to tell her about this.

  • Peggy Nunn

    that sounds like what we need. We live out in the country too. Our best window to talk on our cell phone is in the dining room.

  • Dana Rodriguez

    We live in a rural area and in the woods at that. I can see where this would be very helpful for us.

  • Peggy Nunn

    We ordered this. I can’t wait to try it out. Thank you for the introduction.

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