By Lakota

July 30th, 2019
Thank you Fiskars for providing me with product in exchange for review. All opinions are my own.
Yard work can be something that we dread or something that we enjoy. I think a huge part of whether we enjoy the work or not has a lot to do with the tools used. Just think about it, if you had to mow your lawn with a mower that wouldn’t stay running it would feel like torture compared to if your mower was running nice and smooth.
Fiskars has made sure that if you need them high quality tools are available for your yard work needs.
I received a stand up weeder, an adjustable shovel and a lightweight rake in exchange for review.
I was interested in an adjustable shovel because my husband and I are pretty different sized people. I found that when using a traditional shovel more set for someone his height I experienced a lot more backache during the work. Using the Fiskars adjustable shovel allows me to make the rake shorter, therefore, eliminating the backaches I was getting.
We rake a ton at our house, we have so many leaves fall at so many different times. Our oak trees tend to not drop their leaves until after all the other trees around late fall early winter. We also spend a bunch of time raking our grass clippings as we tend to get a little busy and forget to mow right on schedule. All this raking throughout the year means that we need a rake that can really withstand a lot of hard work and also not make the work harder by being heavier. I love that this rake has a lifetime guarantee so even if the going does get too tough for it we are still supported by such an awesome company! This rake is also incredibly lightweight so your arms can last a bit longer during raking. The teeth or fingers of the rake are also shorter to ensure that they don’t snap off but can still flex just enough.
The stand-up weeder was something that I wasn’t sure about at first. I didn’t think there was any way possible that it could really be able to pull up the deep roots of say dandelions or other common weeds. When I first got the stand up weeder I ran right out and tried it, not only was it easy but it also pulled the entire root from the ground that was more clay-based! My son was super impressed and excited to try it as well and he was met with just as much ease. We use this mostly for getting bigger weeds out of our flower garden, yard and vegetable garden. We also received a set of hand tools which has been great in the garden as well.
Fiskars has done an amazing job with these yard works tools and honestly it makes the work so much less dreaded than it was before. Fiskars has so many different products from kitchen knives, sewing supplies and more, so go check out their site and see what mundane task Fiskars can help you complete with a smile on your face!

This post currently has 4 responses.

  • Dana Rodriguez

    I like their products. This looks like a great rake!

  • Sarah L

    Fiskars makes the best tools. I have their pruners and they are a joy to work with.

  • Lauryn R

    I have never heard of an adjustable shovel before, what a brilliant idea! The rake sounds awesome too, I definitely need to invest in Fiskars yard tools! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  • ellen beck

    I LOVE Fiskars products. I have quite a few from pruners to hand tools. I had trusted them for scissors and such for years and as I built up for gardening I turned to them. I have always had great luck with Fiskars and have found they last a long time!

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