This is a sponsored guest post. All opinions are my own.

Many families prefer active lifestyles, often discarding their cars for cycling options. There is no substitute for riding through nature at wind-tickling speeds as you take in the sights, scents, sounds and feel of the pure outdoors. Many people are discovering cargo biking as a kid-friendly way to bike with the whole family. 

Kids often relish the experience. As fragrant breezes stroke their cheeks and shifting landscapes stimulate their view, your kids may become lifelong lovers of cycling. And Ferla Cargo Bikes can help them with this.

Winning Advanced Construction


Managing a family bicycle may initially seem daunting. You’ll be maneuvering a heavier cycling load, placing safety at the forefront of your concerns. Hence, we recommend Ferla Cargo Bikes for family commuting and recreational outings. Here are some reasons why. 

  • For precision safety and family enjoyment, Ferla designs the front or rear bucket seats on its cargo bike for kids to accommodate a child as young as18 months or a full-grown adult. Check your state or local biking regulations for child size and safety requirements.
  • Also, be aware that, due to the passenger weight it carries, a cargo bike operates best on even terrain, and low inclines or declines. Realizing that cargo bike loads can weigh up to 350 lbs., Ferla offers electric cargo bikes with motor assists to either facilitate pedaling. You may welcome this convenience on longer trips or courser terrain.

Structured For Cargo Biking Safety

There is nothing worse than losing control of your bike or noticing blind spots in the road ahead, especially with precious kid cargo aboard. Ferla tricycle-style wheel supports and Ultimate Steering features, adjust to accommodate leaning turns, evasive maneuvers, or contrary travel conditions over varied terrain. 

In addition, “Tektro” hydraulic brakes ensure quick, safe, and soft braking, even with a family-filled load. Front and rear lights illuminate both your cargo bike and the road ahead, alert on-coming traffic, and prevent collision threats. Puncture-resistant tires also ensure tire safety against sharp road intrusions.

Keep kids securely fastened in 3-point harness seat belts that allow comfortable seating and safe reclining. A front-bucket roll cage protects each child in the unlikely event of a rollover.

These are strong protections. However, Ferla engineers still recommend that you refrain from cargo biking in heavy snow, heavy rain, or other severe weather conditions.

Addressing Travel Conditions

Try to schedule your family cargo biking travels during spring or summer seasons filled with sun, clear air, and temperatures from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

But even the best meteorologists can misread weather forecasts. 

Therefore, manage weather surprises with Ferla’s Fully Enclosed Sun and Rain Canopy accessory. Attached to bucket seating this canopy securely snuggles your kids within its supple waterproof enclosure. 

Now, let’s see about comfort.

Family Comfort Matters

The best way to avoid fidgety kids on a cycling journey is to make them feel comfortable. But you don’t want to sacrifice safety.

Ferla constructs its award-winning cargo bikes with curved bike buckets that sit atop a two-step designed carriage for a comfortable ride that minimizes jolts. Interior storage pouches keep kids’ refreshments, games, and entertainment devices well-secured against exposure to elements or water damage. Ferla has fully contributed to the comfort of your young passengers.

How Can I Be Sure?

Although we’ve provided tips on Ferla cargo biking with kids, you may still wonder, “How can I be sure?” 

We’ve got a few recommendations.

  • First, take a trial run around your block to get a feel for the cargo bike.
  • Next, in an open area, brake suddenly and purposely swerves to evaluate the hydraulic brakes and whether there’s any skidding. 
  • Then, take a run with your kids to assess their comfort and enjoyment levels. 
  • Lastly, evaluate the cargo bike’s performance in traffic and under low lighting conditions.

You’ll be a confident cargo biker in no time.

Enjoy Your Cherished Cargo Bikes

Cargo biking with kids is one of the best ways to enjoy an outing. Ferla makes family cycling a delightfully healthy experience.

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