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Emily Reviews 2013 Holiday Gift Guide Submissions | Emily Reviews


The fall is by far the busiest season for us as bloggers because of holiday promotion. Each year, things get really crazy starting about October going all the way through December. We love being able to provide our readers with suggested gift ideas for all ages and both genders but doing so is a huge project. In hopes of being able to plan early this year, we are opening submissions for our holiday gift guide already. Want your blog post to go up at a certain time? The earlier you contact us, the more likely we are to be able to accommodate your timing. So not only is it easier on us to start early, but it benefits you as well. Emily Reviews includes a team of six writers. Among us we have two babies on the way (both due in the fall), and children ranging from 5 months to 16 years who we are looking to review products with. We are also open to reviewing products ourselves, our boyfriends/husbands, and with our sisters, brothers, in laws, parents, and even our pets!  So we really are open to just about anything.

Our 2013 blog holiday gift guide will include the following package options for sponsors:

1) For sponsors who offer $35 or more in product for review (no payment required). **

A blog post review or featured blog post.
3 tweets sharing the blog post
1 Facebook post sharing the blog post
1 pin sharing the blog post.

2) For sponsors who provide $50 or more worth of product for review (no payment required):

A blog post review or featured blog post.
Inclusion on a gift guide page (view our 2012 gift guide page)
3 tweets sharing the blog post
1 Facebook post sharing the blog post
1 pin sharing the blog post.

3) For sponsors who provide $75 or more worth of product for review (no payment required)

A blog post review or featured blog post.
Inclusion on a gift guide page (view our 2012 gift guide page)
3 tweets sharing the blog post
1 Facebook post sharing the blog post
1 pin sharing the blog post.
a 125 by 125 ad in our sidebar for 2 weeks.

4) For sponsors who provide $100 or more worth of products for review (no payment required):

A blog post review or featured blog post.
Inclusion on a gift guide page (view our 2012 gift guide page)
3 tweets sharing the blog post
2 facebook posts sharing the blog post
1 pin sharing the blog post.
a 125 by 125 ad in our sidebar for 3 weeks.

5) For sponsors who provide $125 or more worth of product for review (no payment required):

A blog post review or featured blog post.
Two products included on a gift guide page (view our 2012 gift guide page)
3 tweets sharing the blog post
2 Facebook posts sharing the blog post
1 pin sharing the blog post.
A 125 by 125 ad in our sidebar for 4 weeks.

Sponsors who offer a giveaway (regardless of which review tier they fall into) will get their giveaway:

Tweeted and send out on Facebook and Pinterest extra times compared to a review alone.
Promoted across more than 100 giveaway promotion sites and linkies combined.
Added to our current giveaways tab.
Added to our sidebar until it gets too many entries (the sidebar shows our 12 giveaways with the lowest # of entries)

**Tier 1 is only being offered by 4 of the 6 women who write for Emily Reviews. The two other writers are only accepting tiers 2-5.

Interested in participating in our HGG with one of these tiers by sending products for review OR paying for a spot? Fill out the form below (or email me at emilyreviewscom @ gmail d0t c0m) to send us your submission. Please include your company or brand website URL. Please also mention that you are interested in holiday gift guide inclusion.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


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