Last week I posted about setting up email subscriptions. I provided a tutorial that gives you a great tutorial for setting up your email subscriptions that works. However, there is some website out there, I haven’t figure out where it’s coming from, but it tells you how to set up email subscriptions, and the box will show up on your page but when people enter their email it subscribers them to someone ELSES blog instead of yours!

It’s pretty easy to tell if you got scammed though, because there will be text above and below your email subscription box that won’t be there if you sign up the ‘legit’ way. Here is what it looks like if your email subscription box is set up to subscriber your readers to someone else’s blog:

Email subscription scam

Email subscription scam

This has been going on for a long time because back in January or February my friend Danyale from Evoluchuns had tried to set up her email subscription and I signed up but then realized the emails weren’t coming, so I caught on. Also, after I would visit blogs after that, that had the purple text above and red text below, it would give me this message:

Except the blog I was trying to subscribe to wasn’t called “We believe in friendship, love and fun”.

Also, another way to tell is if you have this set up on your blog and you visit “” and log in, then click on your feeds title. Then on the left click ‘subscribers’ Then scroll down to ‘feedburner email subscriptions” it will show how many email subscribers you have. If this is 0 or way lower than you expected, then your email subscription box probably isn’t working.

So if you have blogging friends who have this type of email subscription box be sure to let them know. I see it all over, it doesn’t seem like many people have caught on to this yet. Let me know if I can help you set up your email subscriptions :).

This post currently has 2 responses.

  • hannah

    This is scary! I have seen that exact subscription notice on at least two blogs that I’ve subscribed to!! Only thing is, I didn’t catch on because I thought their blog name was different from the mailing list name. Some blogs have a different blog title than .com address name..
    I wish I could remember what sites those were!
    Not only is it scary that I’m subscribed to something I didn’t want, and that they have my email; but when subscribing for the purpose of a giveaway entry – well that just messes that up!
    Man what will people think up next. 🙁

  • Wow!

    I can’t believe people would go this low!
    Hopefully we’ll all find out who has this “fake box” and then they’ll really be sorry. They’ll probably lose any following they DID have. It’s just messed up! If you want subscribers you have to write great, fun, interactive content!

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