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Vapur anti-bottle review and giveaway | Emily Reviews

I like to drink water but the water from the fountain at my school tastes less than desirable. So I either bring a filled bottle with me or buy a bottle at school. I’m not a big fan of the bought water bottle taste so I tend to bring water myself. Plus it’s cheaper. However, I have heard about how plastic containers can be dangerous and I wanted to avoid them. So I stumbled upon vapur anti-bottles. They are a really unique type of water bottle that have caught the eye of several of my classmates. They are similar to a bag, they take form as the water bottle fills up, and as it empties it grows softer. This makes it a bit odd to drink out of at first, because you have to squeeze or else curl the bottle to drink out of it, but it didn’t take long for me to get used to it. Once the bottle is empty it rolls up really small and can be clipped using the attachable hook so it can easily be slipped into any bag or purse for storage. I’ve found it to be very practical for using while I am at school. It is BPA free so there’s no need to worry about that. It is dishwasher safe and is easy to clean. It can even be frozen, which really surprised me because the material seems so thin and stuff that I assumed it would crack if placed in a freezer. But just like any regular water bottle you can fill it part way and let freeze and then fill the rest of it with water to keep your water cold for several hours.  Overall I am thrilled with my vapur anti-bottle. I can’t think of anything about it that I would change or dislike.

Buy it: Vapur bottles can be purchased online at

Win it: One person will win a vapur bottle of their own!

To enter: MANDATORY: Tell me what you like about the vapur water anti bottle.

Extra entries: Only count after your mandatory entry has been completed. Leave each entry in its own comment. Leave proof of your entry whenever possible.


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3)Display my button on your blog – 3 entries.

4)Follow @emilyreviewscom on twitter. 1 entry each.

5)Fan 1 entries.

6)Tweet about this giveaway including @emilyreviewscom, a SHORTENED link to this post and #giveaway. Make yours or use mine ”Enter to #win a vapur anti-bottle @emilyreviewscom. #giveaway is here please RT” Max of 1 per day. 1 entry per tweet.

7)Blog about this giveaway. 4 entries.

8)Follow me through networked blogs – 1 entries.

9)Enter any of my other giveaways during the duration of this giveaway – 1 per giveaway entered

This giveaway is open to the US only and will end october 1st at noon EST. Winner will be chosen via and will have 2 days to reply before a new winner will be chosen.

Disclaimer – I received a free water bottle for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was offered or accepted. All opinions are my own.

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