If you’re unfamiliar with google page rank, it was a method used to rate blogs. It’s takes in a bunch of different factors and is really complicated and most people don’t understand how they even decide on a sites page rank, which was frustrating enough to begin with. To make things worse, they haven’t updated page rank since April, and they used to update page rank every 3 months. When you make a new blog or website, or change your blog over to it’s own domain (from a .blogspot.com to a .com) your page rank drops from whatever it was to zero, until the next page rank update.

When companies are interested in bloggers to review their products, they can use a variety of methods to determine whether they are interested in working with you on a review or not. Some companies judge solely on GFC, others on your writing style, others on unique monthly visitors, some on unique page views, others on PR. So companies who base blogs solely on PR are rejecting blogs that DESERVE to be a higher page rank, but aren’t simply because page rank hasn’t updated. Me included! I made the switch to my own domain in April. In April I had around 300 blog followers and a pr of 2.. So my GFC followers have TRIPLED since April, yet I’m being turned down for product reviews that I would have been accepted for back in April when I had just 1/3 of the followers. How much sense does that make?? So I’m joining the fight and asking companies to judge blogs based on factors besides just PR. If you want to join the fight you can write a blog post on your own blog and then link up over at Lindsay socializes.

This post currently has 3 responses.

  • Thanks for joining in the discussion Emmy! I appreciate all of the bloggers that have come out and linked up!

  • I am definitely going to join in!
    I’ve been blogging since February and my blog is still at a 2, it’s driving me insane! I’ve had a few companies say like we’ll let it slide, but I just don’t think it’s an important factor. And I don’t want to be a “slide by” blog. Hopefully things will change 🙂

    -Amanda T

  • Emily,

    We at the Yakezie feel the same frustration, but recently started using mozRank as THE Pagerank alternative since it updates every WEEK it seems!

    We’ve written at least 5 articles about mozRank now, and we’ve successfully been able organize two recent ad campaigns soley on mozRank!

    Hence, I encourage you all to write about the solution to PR in addition to showing frustration about why it’s not good.

    We now display mozRank in our ranking system proudly! Please check out in the top right of Yakezie dot com homepage where we proudly use the mozRank system in the “Yakezie Network.”

    Note: We are a personal finance and lifestyle blog Network who have a strong charitable initiative through our Yakezie Scholarships which are going on right now.


    Yakezie Network Founder

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