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Toledo Zoo | Emily Reviews

For part of our Ohio tour, we got to check out the Toledo Zoo. This summer a baby elephant named Lucas was born and we got to stop and see him. He’s super cute but there were a ton of people and noise so they stayed in the back corner but I can’t really blame them for that. A baby giraffe was also born at the Toledo zoo this summer but when we were there the giraffe wasn’t old enough to be exposed to the public yet so we couldn’t see it. One of the places at the zoo where you can stop to eat, called the carnivore cafe is a huge animal cage where they used to keep the lions and tigers! We only had about half an hour to spend seeing the zoo, and you definitely want to plan at least three or four hours on your trip. The toledo zoo offers a variety of activities for kids including summer camps for kids from preschool age up through the early teen years.

Disclaimer – We were admitted into the toledo zoo free of charge. No other form of compensation was offered or accepted. All opinions are my own.

This post currently has 2 responses.

  • Did you know that many of the building at the zoo were made in the 1930’s as part of Roosevelt’s WPA project? This was a regular, yearly field trip for every elementary student in every school district (plus private schools) when I was a kid. Not so much anymore with so little funding 🙁

  • librarypat

    We often visit zoos and nature centers on our trips. Some are still behind the times, but more and more they are providing the animals with more natural habitats. Less stressed and healthier animals.
    thanks for the review.

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