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#Nutrisystem Women’s SUCCESS Select Program Week 48 FINAL Review | Emily Reviews

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So here it is…my last Nutrisystem post. My intent was to write something really deep that would help to motivate you on your journey…but writer’s block has decided to take up residence in my brain and I’m at a loss for motivational words. Instead I will tell you what happened to me a few hours ago- I have been putting off buying new underwear because I didn’t want to continually have to buy them at each stage of my weight loss. But the time had come; I couldn’t put it off any longer.

As I stood in the underwear department with my little girls running around trying on bras and giggling, I noticed the size chart on underwear. When I actually looked at the suggested sizes, I discovered that I wear the smallest size they have. I used to grab the XL and just squeeze into them because I was too embarrassed to buy the size I really needed. Now I’m in the smallest size. Talk about a light bulb moment!

This is another of my “small victories!” I am slowly adjusting to my new size. I am becoming more confident in my new skin. The hardest part of my mental makeover was realizing that I deserved to be able to enjoy the new me. I did the work and I deserve the reward.  It feels great! Actually, it’s better than great. I still wake up each morning wondering if it was all a dream. I literally and figuratively pinch myself and smile knowing that I actually did the work and can enjoy the new me.  …and Nutrisystem made this all possible.

This week’s measurements show a loss of 0 in my arms, 0 in my chest, 0 in my waist, 0 in my hips and .5 in my thighs.

All along I have been charting my inches lost on the Nutrisystem graph. The graph records changes in one arm, chest, waist, hips and one thigh. By this chart, I have lost 45.5 inches. Recently, I’ve wondered how my results would look if I accounted for both arms and thighs. I went back to my first measurements and calculated it. I have lost 3 inches in both arms, 9.5 inches in my chest, 16 inches from my waist, 12.5 inches from my hips and 8.5 inches from each thigh. With these results, I have lost a grand total of 61 inches!

I lost 1.5 pounds this week bringing my weight loss total to 58 pounds! I didn’t quite hit my goal of 60 pounds, but I am very close. I WILL continue this journey on my own. I have the tools and the knowledge. Nutrisystem has provided me with their Simple Success cookbook to make my transition to maintenance easier. It is full of tips and delicious healthy recipes.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Nutrisystem for providing me with the tools to change my life. Without you, I would likely not have taken the steps to begin this journey. I will forever be grateful.

Thank you to all of YOU for following my journey. You have been a great support to me. This journey would not have been the same without you cheering me along.

I wish you all well on your personal journeys to living healthier lives. Make YOU a priority because you are worth it!

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting and




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