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Simply Saline Review | Emily Reviews

As an adult who has grown up with allergy problems and a husband and child who also have allergy issues we use a lot of saline solution in my house.  I believe at some point in all of our lives we have all used or will use some brand of saline spray.  I have tried several brands and found one that I really liked for Little C when he was a baby, but now that he is 5 he has issues with using it so I have been searching for another brand that he doesn’t mind.  I’m not sure why he has issues with the old brand, but he absolutely refuses to use it.

Thankfully Simply Saline contacted me and asked if I would be interested in reviewing some of their products.  I was really excited because we were in need of some new saline sprays and I also know that I will need some when Baby A arrives.  I have never seen so many choices when it comes to saline spray.  I thought they were all of the same, but Simply Saline sent me 5 different kinds!  I really had no idea they could vary so much from each other.


The types they sent me are Simply Saline Nasal Relief, Simply Saline Baby Nasal Relief, Simply  Saline Children’s Cold Formula, Simply Saline Allergy & Sinus and Simply Saline Nighttime Formula.  I was also sent a Nasal Moisturizer which is for babies as well.  Typically my family starts having issues with allergies in September or October.  I’m not sure what is out right now here in Georgia, but my entire family is having issues.  My husband works in the local school system and my son started Kindergarten recently so I’m sure that has something to do with them having issues.  As for me, I’m pregnant so I think a lot of my stuffiness has come from that however my allergies have been really bad this week.  When I am just feeling stuffy I have been using the Simply Saline Nasal Relief which I find to work great.  My husband despises using any type of nasal spray, but I have been encouraging him to use some saline just to see if it would help him.  He has tried both the Nasal Relief and the Allergy & Sinus spray.  He seems to think the Allergy & Sinus formula works better for him.  I have also used the Allergy & Sinus spray this week and it has worked great for me.  I honestly think that it has worked better for me then just the regular Nasal Relief since I am actually having allergy issues at the moment.  As for Little C, I was a bit nervous because I didn’t even know if he would be willing to try it.  I had to talk him into it, but he says he likes the spout on the Simply Saline bottles better then he liked the other type of saline spray we were using.  I have used the Children’s Cold Formula for Little C and it has helped him.  I like it because it has moisturizers in it and Little C’s nose had been bleeding some. The spray has seemed to help with that problem so his nose must have been really dry.  I haven’t tried the baby formula yet, but I’m sure once Baby A arrives we will be using it at some point considering he will be born in the winter months.  I am extremely excited about the Nasal Moisturizer that you can rub around your baby’s nose.  Little C’s nose would get so red and irritated when he was little and would have a cold.  I always felt so bad for him.  I think that this gel will work wonders on sore little noses.

If you are searching for a saline brand I suggest looking into Simply Saline.  I think you may find a formula that will work great for you.  You can also check them out on Facebook.





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