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Philips AVENT Spout Cup - A Gift for Baby | Emily Reviews

I am excited about receiving two 5 oz. Philips AVENT Spout Cup for review.  All opinions are my own.

HGGimage2013(1)If you are wondering what to get your little one as a stocking stuffer for Christmas this year, I believe that the Philips AVENT Spout Cup would be a great gift that your little one would love.  The cups I received are for 6 month+, so my new little guy won’t be using them until around May, but I am looking forward to seeing how he does with them.  After reading some facts about the cups, I know that they offer some great advantages that the cups I used with Little C didn’t offer.  The cups I received are green, 5 oz sippy cups.  I love that the lid has built in handles for your little one to hold on to.  There is a cover over the spout so that when your little one isn’t drinking from the cup you can cover the spout with the flip lid that will keep germs off of the spout.  I love the fact that the flip cover is attached to the lid so you don’t have to worry about dropping the cup and getting the spout dirty.  The spout comes out for easy cleaning and it is clear so you know if you have gotten it clean.  I had a lot of problems with that when Little C was using sippy cups.  We would run them through the dishwasher and realize that the spouts weren’t clean, but there was really no way to get them clean.  To say the least we went through quite a few sippy cups with him.  There are only 3 pieces to the Philips AVENT Spout Cup, which I love.  I really don’t like to use products that have a lot of parts to them.  It makes clean up so much more difficult.  I believe the Philips AVENT Spout Cups will be used for many months in my house!


As for testing the spout cup, I didn’t have a baby to give it to but I did do a little test myself.  I filled the cup with 5 oz. of water and turned it upside down.  There was no leaking of water at all!  I then shook the cup because I know that will happen when Baby A starts to use it.  As an adult I feel that I shook the cup pretty hard and there were a few tiny drops of water.  To be honest with you, I was quite surprised.  The spout is soft so I really expected more water to come out.  There were literally only 2-3 very tiny drops.  I did squeeze the spout and quite a bit of water did come out of course.  I really wasn’t surprised, however, this is something that I am willing to get Baby A not to do if he ever tries it.  I love that the spout is soft.  I remember Little C using sippy cups that had hard spouts and he had a really hard time with them.  After drinking from a bottle, he did respond well to a hard spout until he was much older.


The Philips AVENT Spout Cups come in Green, Pink and Blue.  These cups would make great stocking stuffers for your little one this Christmas.  If you would like more information from AVENT make sure to check them out on Facebook and Twitter.



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