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PleaseMe Adult Romantic Board Game Review | Emily Reviews

When you’ve been with someone awhile, it can be hard to find a lot of time for romance. All of us have such busy lives, and those of you with kids are even busier! It can be hard to find time for you and your special someone to spend some time really connecting, and having a romantic evening. PleaseMe is an adult board game for exploring romance and passion. It’s a great way to spend a nice, romantic evening with your significant other.

I was sent the PleaseMe Board Game for review:

PleaseMe is a board game for adults. It can be played with 2-4 players. PleaseMe is a game where you get to explore intimacy with your players. It’s full of playful teases, and fun romantic gestures. The game can be kept pretty tame, with cards like, “Blow me a Kiss”, or can be more sensual and adult by incorporating “Hot” cards into the deck. The game involves playing “Please Me” cards, “Wild Cards,” which allow you to ask any player to do anything you want (as long as it does not get down voted by the other players), and acquiring gems to place on the sundial, and eventually winning by having the correct combination of gems.


Overall, the PleaseMe game was pretty easy to pick up. The instructions were straight forward, and there was even a DVD if you don’t like reading directions. I really liked that we could customize just how “Hot” we wanted the game to be by incorporating, or not incorporating the additional cards. So whether we wanted an innocent game, or a not-so-innocent game, we could do just that. I also really liked that you can refuse to do any task, it just requires you to give up a gem. I also liked the one minute timer, although when the backrub card came up, I wasn’t so happy it was only a minute! But it keeps the game going at a nice pace. The only thing I did not like is that it wants you to refer to the other players, or player in my case, by their color during the game, not by their name. I found this really hard to do, and a little weird. I didn’t like calling my fiance “blue”, or “blue player” so we just ended up ditching that rule.


I think this game was a lot of fun, and definitely a great way to end a date night, or to make a nice, enjoyable evening. Even though there are “Wild Cards” in the deck, I liked that players could essentially veto the request if it was too ridiculous. It lets you have fun, but you never have to do anything you wouldn’t want to do.

Personally, I enjoyed playing this with my fiance. I can’t ever see myself playing with with any other players as well. However, I could see how this game might be fun for a group of single people, or anyone more open to things like that. But I enjoyed it with my fiance, and wouldn’t want to play it any other way!

The PleaseMe Adult Board Game is currently $34.99. If you’re looking for a last minute Valentine’s Day gift, this would make a nice one! I think this would also make a really nice anniversary gift. If you’re looking for a fun, sensual gift for your significant other, then you should check it out!

Buy it: You can buy the PleaseMe Board Game online at the PleaseMe Website.

Connect: You can connect with PleaseMe on their Facebook, and Twitter.



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