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Tiggly Counts - Hands On Math App For Preschoolers | Emily Reviews

*I received compensation for this post, but all opinions are my own.

My nephew Drew turned 4 in August and he’s been a pro at using apps on phones and tablets for quite a while now. There have been situations when we went on long car rides, or had incredibly long and boring waiting room visits where I was so thankful to have a phone or tablet on hand to entertain him with. I try to steer Drew towards apps that are educational so I was excited to hear about a new app that is coming out for preschoolers called Tiggly Counts.

Tiggly Counts is an ipad math app that is designed for kids 3+. One thing that I learned while taking college level early childhood educational classes was that young children learn better when they experience something in multiple forms. When I worked in a preschool we would often read a picture book and then sing a song, make a craft or play with puppets from the book because the children were better able to absorb the contents of the book when they read it and physically experienced it in some way. Sadly, a lot of apps are lacking the “hands on” experience that can be so beneficial for young children. Tiggly Counts uses physical pieces that are used on your tablet surface to give children the physical experience while using the app.

Tiggly counts math app game

Tiggly Counts has three games or modes for play:

Tiggly Addventure: Tiggly sets off an adventure to deliver the most delicious apple in Tiggly Town to his beloved grandmother! Along the way, Tiggly will need you to use your counting toys to build bridges, ladders, and much more to help him overcome challenges on the land, sea, and even outer space! Tiggly Addventure introduces the child to number line concepts while helping him improve his number sense and counting skills.

Tiggly Cardtoons: A world of playful and surprising learning comes alive at the speed of imagination as your child uses their counting toys. Two pieces of cardboard become a juggling owl, or a hungry shark with a taste for apples, or a rumbling truck carrying… snakes?! Tiggly Cardtoons will help your child learn basic math ideas such as one-to-one matching, counting, and equal sets

Tiggly Chef:  Emergency in the kitchen! Tiggly Town’s greatest, most mustachioed Chef needs help, and only you and your counting toys can prepare his preposterously silly recipes. Think you can beat the Chef at his own game? Devise your own kooky culinary concoctions in one of Chef’s three kitchens! Tiggly Chef will help your child learn numbers and early addition concepts; he will introduce him/her to math symbols, and encourage them to follow instructions and to think flexibly.

Tiggly counts math app game

The app is available in TEN languages!

Tiggly Counts is going to be released in November. However, today through November 21st you can pre-order using the code TIGGLYCOUNTS to save 30%! Interested? Sign up to purchase Tiggly Counts online.

Giveaway! Ends 10/31/2014. Open to the US. Prize will be shipped in mid-December and will include the Tiggy Counts physical pieces and free app.

Entry Form



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