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Wicked Cool Toys 2014 Fall Feature: Crashlings | Emily Reviews

Thank you to Wicked Cool Toys for providing us with product, free of charge, for review.  All opinions are my own.

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I don’t know why, but I tend to have trouble finding “cool” boys toys for our sons.  I am always second guessing myself and doubting if I’m purchasing a good product that they’ll like.  Maybe it’s because I’m a girl and am drawn to girly things because my husband doesn’t seem to have any trouble when it comes to boy stuff.  However, when I saw Wicked Cool’s line, Crashlings, I was excited to offer them to my boys.

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Meet the Crashlings!  They bounce and crash from one planet to the next finding friends and discovering new species.  We received the Catapult City Play Set along with some Crashling Play Packs for review.  My boys were thrilled when I handed them each a pack of Crashlings along with the Catapult City Play Set.  (Even our daughter was excited to check this out.)

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The set up assembly was fairly quick and easy.  I  skimmed the instructions and used the photo on the box to get the Catapult City Play Set together.  I like doing things like this with our kids because it’s a team effort and we all work together.  Even simple assembly can turn into a learning experience.  Within 10 minutes of opening the packages, we were ready to play.

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The Crashling Characters are fairly small so I would recommend supervision for younger players or just keeping away from children that like to put toys in their mouths.  Thankfully, our four older kids have all been great with small objects and we’ve never had to worry about small toys or pieces, even when they were young.

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Our two year olds favorite thing to do with this set is place the balls in the top dome.  Then, the older kids would pull the “trigger” allowing the balls to roll down, one-by-one, and knock over the pieces below.

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The catapult is also a big hit with the kids.  They not only use it as intended, they also like to catapult the Crashlings at each other.  Not a big deal because they don’t move fast enough to hurt.  Overall, this is a great set that offers plenty of fun for our kids.

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Buy It: Head over to Crashlings to meet all the Crashling characters and see for yourself all they offer.

Connect: Don’t forget to like Crashlings on Facebook and follow them on Twitter and Instagram for all the latest news and promotions.



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