I received products from JKS Communications for my review. All opinions are my own.

The busier our life gets, the more I appreciate the quiet moments I can curly up next to a warm fire with a good book. It doesn’t happen as much as would like, but when it does, it is special “me time”.

I recently received five new books from JKS Communications. JKS Communications is a literary publicity firm. They work with some amazing publishers and creative authors to get their books out into the hands of readers.  JKS Communications represents authors in a variety of genres including- the New York Times Bestsellers List, fiction, non-fiction, children’s literature, cooking and faith.

For my review, I received: Swann’s Lake of Despair by Charles Salzberg, The Johnstown Girls by Kathleen George, The Prayer Box by Lisa Wingate, Driftwood Tides by Gina Holmes, and The Story Keeper by Lisa Wingate.


Swann’s Lake of Despair- An outrageous diary, unique photos and an attractive woman are missing. It is up to Henry Swann and his somewhat shady partner Goldblatt to solve the mysteries. Together they must follow the clues to find these items. Where will the clues take them? Could the three missing items somehow be connected?


The Johnstown Girls– Ellen Emerson is quite possibly the last survivor of the 1889 Johnstown flood. A century after the tragic flood, reporters come knocking on Ellen’s door. They want to hear her story and see what keeps the 104 year old going. Ellen explains that she is restless; she believes her twin sister may have also survived the flood. Is Ellen’s sister still alive? Will she find her?


The Prayer Box- A young woman, Tandi Reese, is given the chore of cleaning out her elderly landlady’s house. While sorting thought things, she discovers a special hidden story. This story has been preserve in eighty-one prayer boxes. What is the story? Why has it been kept in so many prayer boxes?


Driftwood Tides– Holton lost his wife Adele in a tragic accident. His grief and guilt lead him to become a self-destructive alcoholic. Twenty three years after the accident, there is a knock at the door. The guest claims to have known Adele. There is more to the guests past than meets the eye. Who is she? What does she want?


The Story Keeper – A cryptic manuscript appears one day on Jennia Beth Gibbs’ editing desk. It doesn’t give credit to an author, tell when it was written or give a hint as to who placed it on her desk. Jennia read the pages and was intrigued. She couldn’t help but feel a connection with the story. Why does she feel so strongly about the story? Will she ever figure out who put the manuscript on her desk?  Or why they chose her?

JKS Communications website is a great resource when trying to decide what books to gift. Many of the authors they work with have books reviews on their site. I think all five of the books I received have something special to offer. They all would make a great stocking stuffer for the readers on your shopping list.

You may also connect with JKS Communication on facebook and twitter.

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