*This blog post is sponsored by Global Influence. All opinions are my own.

Something I love about working from home is being able to wear cozy, relaxing clothing on a regular basis. I only wear dressy clothing for weddings and other nice occasions. Most years, I only dress up three or four times. As a result, I don’t need an extensive wardrobe of dresses, skirts or dress shirts and only keep a couple of dressy outfits for each season.

A couple of years ago we had two weddings in a row. I didn’t want to wear the exact same outfit for two events, so I ran out to buy a skirt for the second wedding. I knew that I had a particular shirt at home that it would go perfectly with. The morning of the wedding Ryan & I were both trading time in and out of the bathroom so that we could both get ready. I put on my deodorant that advertised itself as being clear and not staining clothing. I later put the shirt on. Right as we were about to head out the door, Ryan pointed out that I had deodorant marks all down the outside of the shirt. They wouldn’t wipe off and I didn’t have any other shirt that would match the skirt.

I was so frustrated because I had tried so many other types of “clear” deodorants in the past that would still stain my clothing. Until recently, the only truly clear deodorant that I knew of was a gel deodorant that would leave my armpits wet for several minutes after being applied, which would often result in my shirt getting damp. To other people, I’m sure the dampness would appear to be sweat. I thought I had to choose between a truly clear deodorant (a gel) and a deodorant that would dry quickly (a stick deodorant).

I was recently sent Dove Dry Spray deodorant that is available at Wal

mart and I absolutely love it. It has a button that you press on the top that sprays the deodorant onto your body. It feels slightly cool at first but it dries extremely quickly – in less than two seconds. When examining my underarms after it’s applied, I can’t see anything at all. When I get dressed after applying, nothing comes off on my clothing.

For me, Dove Dry Spray is the ideal deodorant. It smells nice, keeps me odor-free, goes on quickly, dries immediately and doesn’t mark my clothing. I can’t think of any way that I could improve on this product because it meets my needs so well. It even can be worn longer than most deodorants – protecting you for up to 48 hours. I shower daily so I have used it once a day like I would any other deodorant, but it has done a nice job of protecting me all day. I’m definitely converting to Dove Dry Spray from now on.

Walmart has other dry spray deodorants including options from Axe, Degree Men, Degree Women and Dove Men. If you want a clear deodorant that dries quickly give them a try!



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