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Super Jennie Menstrual Cup ~ Q & A + Giveaway (US) 7/24 | Emily Reviews

I have to say that I don’t know a single woman who actually looks forward to her period.  While I never had easy pregnancies, the lack of my period was an extremely awesome “side effect” that I always looked forward to.

Menstrual Cup ~ Q & A . If you've got questions, we've got answers. Learn more about how to use mentrual cups, tips, tricks, and my experience. Super Jennie and EvaCup Menstrual CupsThank you to Super Jennie for sending me this super cup!

Just recently, I had made a decision to hunt for better ways to deal with this pesky monthly visitor.  Since the doctor advised against having any more biological children, I have to get used to the fact that it’s going to be here on a consistent schedule now.  So, along with trying out some reusable cloth pads, I FINALLY took the leap and gave a Super Jennie Menstrual Cup a try.  I was a complete newbie and had enough nerve to seriously consider this option before so here’s my take on it in a question and answer format:

1:)  Which size Super Jennie Cup should I choose?  Newbie users should choose the small.

2:)  How much can the small hold then?  The small Super Jennie has a decent sized capacity of 1.08 0Z.  (The large holds 1.41 OZ.)

3:)  Is it hard to insert?  In short, no.  As I said, I was a complete newbie so I did some Google searches and watched a couple You Tube videos that explained fairly well how to go about getting a menstrual cup in place.

4:)  Should I use lubrication?  I would say yes.  I’ve seen some recommend using water or saliva but I chose to use a water based lubricant.

5:)  Do you have any tips for inserting?  Yes!  I found it easiest and to have the least amount of “yuck factor” to insert, clean, etc. in the shower.  Simply squat a little, fold the cup into a c, and add lubrication of choice to the top.  Simply slide in and up towards your lower back until the ball at the edge of the stem is also completely inside but still easily reachable.  It may help to give it a little turn during inserting.

6:)  How do I know if it opened?  While some things I read said you’d feel a “pop” when the cup opened, I never did.  So I would just feel around and squeeze the sides a bit until I was sure I had a good fit that wouldn’t leak.

7:)  It’s in, now what?  Once inserted, I read a suggestion to do a couple quick squats to make sure it’s in place and fully opened.  I don’t know if this actually did anything but it sure can’t hurt.

8:)  Will I leak?  You shouldn’t!  As long as a good seal was made and the cup opened nicely, there should be no spotting or leaking!

9:)  Will I feel it?  Maybe a little…..  Once inserted, I could not.  However, throughout the day, it would shift just a tad at times and I would “notice” it was in there but would soon forget again because it’s super comfortable and almost “invisible” to feel –if that makes sense.

10:)  How long can I wear before emptying/cleaning?  This depends on how heavy the cycle.  I chose to empty mine twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.  I’m confident that I could have went 24 hours with room to spare though.

11:)  How do I get it out?  When it’s time to empty and clean, just reach in and grab hold of the ball stem.  Slowly start pulling and slide a finger up towards the rim of the cup and push gently to release the suction.  Then, just gently slide out!  If doing this over the toilet, be careful to not tip the cup and spill on yourself but I was able to easily keep it upright and didn’t have any issues.

12:)  Was it really that easy?  Absolutely!  I have been interested in trying a menstrual cup for a couple years already but was terrified to make the jump.  I could not believe how simple it was.  I was able to get it in on my very first try and didn’t experience a single leak throughout my entire period.

13:)  Okay, but what if I hated or never used tampons?  Will a menstrual cup work for me?  They sure can!  In all honesty, I’ve only used a tampon once in my life and hated it.  It was uncomfortable and I had heard stories of women getting them “lost” up there and having to go to the doctor for removal as well as the TSS factor.  So I had opted for the, also uncomfortable, disposable pad option most of my life, mainly for peace of mind.

14:)  What about Toxic Shock Syndrome?  No worries.  Menstrual cups are safe and do not carry the risk of TSS like tampons do.  This was big for me since TSS was one of the main three reasons I chose not to use tampons.

Super Jennie sent me their small teal Menstrual Cup to finally help me take this giant leap.  I have to say, I can see why their tagline is about a super hero!  This cup is absolutely amazing!  I still can hardly believe how easy it was to use.  Made from 100% medical grade silicone, Super Jennie is one of the safest and, in my opinion, best solutions for periods.  Truth be told, I felt like I was walking around with the biggest and best secret ever!  This was the first time in my life that, while on my period, I didn’t feel like I was having my period!  Super Jennie also includes a nice carry/storage bag to utilize when it’s not in use.  I couldn’t be happier with my results and would very enthusiastically recommend this product!

Super Jennie ~ Menstrual Cup ~ Q & A . If you've got questions, we've got answers. Learn more about how to use mentrual cups, tips, tricks, and my experience. Super Jennie and EvaCup Menstrual Cups

Stay tuned for another feature about menstrual cups next month but, for now, feel free to ask me any questions you may have in the comments section and I’d be happy to answer and don’t forget to enter to win your very own Super Jennie below!

Buy It: Head over to Super Jennie to learn more.

Connect: Don’t forget to like Super Jennie on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and Pinterest, and Instagram for all the latest news and promotions.

Win It: Super Jennie is generously offering one of our lucky readers their very own Super Jennie Menstrual Cup in the winner’s choice of size and color, based on availability. This giveaway is open to the US only and will end July 24th, 2016.  For your chance to win, enter the Giveaway Tools below. Good luck!
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