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VitalSleep Anti-Snoring MouthPiece { off Deal} | Emily Reviews
VitalSleep snore diagram

This is a sponsored post with VitalSleep. All opinions are my own.

In the 70’s my grandparents bought a cabin on a lake about 2 hours north of our hometown. After my grandma passed away, my grandpa decided he was too old to the cabin anymore. He passed the cabin down to his 5 kids. My mom, and her siblings. He had 5 keys made, one for each of his children. By then, almost all of his grandkids were adults and they were able to borrow the key from their parent if they wanted to make a trip up to use the cabin. It’s a wonderful asset that we can just take a 2 or 3-hour drive with a cooler full of food and have a really cheap miniature vacation! Sometimes Ryan & I go up alone with our dogs. Other times we’ll go up with other family members to spend time with my nieces and nephews or cousins.

cabin beans

The only downside of the cabin is it’s very small, and the walls are thin. If someone is snoring in the house, you hear it. I remember as a child struggling to sleep because my aunt and cousins were there too and one of them was snoring very loudly. I suddenly understood all of the jokes comedians say about being irritated by the snoring husband or wife.

I consider myself lucky that my partner rarely ever snores. We’ve been together for several years now, and I’ve only ever heard him snore if he was sick. However, even that can be very frustrating because if he is sick, I often am too! So if I’m sick and not sleeping well, and then he falls asleep and snores that is a problem! I can’t even imagine losing sleep on a regular basis due to partner who was a regular snorer. It could easily have effects on your overall health if it’s frequently preventing you from getting quality, restful sleep.

VitalSleep snore solution

If you or a loved one frequently snores, VitalSleep is a snoring treatment. It molds to your mouth for a customized fit. It is FDA-cleared, BPA free, and latex free. It’s made in the US and can help with snoring on the first night that it’s used! You can try VitalSleep for 60 days as a trial period, and if you aren’t happy with it you can get your money back. It also comes with a 1-year unconditional warranty that allows for replacements.  It is the only snoring system with accu-adjust system for maximum comfort and effectiveness. You do not need to see a doctor for adjustments. While in use, you can still move your jaw from side to side for reduced stress and greater effectiveness. They offer two sizes, small and regular. It’s recommended that women get size small, and men get size regular. However, they can be exchanged free of charge if the size ordered doesn’t fit properly.

There is an exclusive deal available with the code SAVE10 you can get $10 off on VitalSleep. They have same-day shipping so you can get your item as quickly as possible.

This post currently has 11 responses.

  • DJ

    My hubby needs this so bad. He snores all the time. He has tried the Breathe Right Stripes and they work to some degree, but I bet this would help so much better.

  • Lauryn R

    How awesome that you have a cabin to visit, I would love it! 🙂 This snoring mouthpiece sounds awesome as well, I definitely need to get one for my husband! I have such a hard time falling asleep sometimes because of his loud snoring. Thanks for sharing!

  • gloria patterson

    This is something my mother and my brother need really bad. Some Christmas Eve’s we will all spend the night at my brothers home. WOW the sounds coming out of two bedroom had us all laughing

  • ellen beck

    Snoring badly for extended periods of time unless youre stuffed up could be really serious. My Mom was ahorrible snorer. I remember not being able to sleep because of it when I was a kid. I could see how a device like this would really help. It looks like a inexpensive way to correct the jawline and airflow.

  • Michelle S

    My husband was a horrible snorer but it was actually sever sleep apnea. He ended up getting surgery to fix it.

  • Michelle S

    My husband was a horrible snorer but it was actually sever sleep apnea. He ended up getting surgery to fix it.

  • gloria patterson

    Thats my mother! I used to sleep with her when I visited at holidays I needed cotton in my ears and could still hear her………… if these work it is a blessing

  • John Smith

    This may indeed help with snoring! An excellent overview!

  • Amy D

    My husband snores. I like that there is a 60 day trial period with this so that he can try to see if it really works. Thanks for the coupon code.

  • Peggy Nunn

    I snore but my husband doesn’t mind, or so he says. I will have to ask him if he wants me to get this.

  • gloria patterson

    something my brother and mother need bad……………….. they are both so loud!

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