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New Cry Babies + Cry Babies Magic Tears for the Holidays + a Giveaway | Emily Reviews
cry babies
By Amber

November 15th, 2020

Thanks so much to Cry Babies for sending me these adorable products! As always, all opinions are my own.

Our kids absolutely love babies and dolls! Every time we’re at the store they point out new babies they’d love, and for the past year or so they’ve both been asking for Cry Babies Dolls. They also ask me if I can HAVE another baby but that is out of the question, ha! I decided Cry Babies Dolls would be a great alternative because they are oh-so-cute!

cry babies dolls

Cry Babies Dolls are aptly named because they can do something pretty special – cry real tears! They also make incredibly realistic baby sounds and come with a pacifier and an adorable onesie. Cry Babies offers a large variety of dolls and outfit options, too! Some of the new dolls include Baby Lizzy the Peacock and Baby Jassy the Fantasy Pegasus.


My kids are going to be so excited about their dolls this Christmas! Harper will be getting Narvie the Narwhal – her little horn lights up when you touch it and her head, arms, and legs move too. Lincoln will be getting Cry Babies Fantasy Jassy in the adorable pegasus-themed onesie! To make the babies cry, you just add water to the reservoir in their head;  to stop them from crying, just insert their paci or lay them down gently. I can’t wait to see our kids open these on Christmas day!

Cry babies magic tears paci house

Along with their big Cry Babies Dolls, our kids will be getting Cry Babies Magic Tears Paci Houses in their stockings! Simply add water to your paci house and it will magically open revealing a surprise Cry Babies character and eight hidden accessories. Feed the babies with their magic bottle, squeeze their tummy and watch them cry colorful tears!

cry babies magic tears paci house

Our kids absolutely adore surprise products to unwrap, so I know these Magic Tears Paci Houses will be a huge hit. Plus, they provide hours of entertainment after! Their newest paci houses are fantasty themed and there are seven to collect. These will be perfect stocking stuffers or even gifts this year!

  • Buy: Target / Amazon / Walmart
  • Win: One lucky reader will take home TWO new Cry Babies Dolls and a Cry Babies Magic Tears Paci House! This is a US and Canada giveaway ending 11/28. Enter using the form below, and good luck!





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