Scout Zoe cat products

Scout and Zoe’s sent me cat products for review. All opinions are my own.

I was so excited to partner with the brand Scout and Zoe’s to test out some of their cat products, because I just brought home the most precious little kitten named Pepperoni! As a new cat mom, I’m learning so much and am excited to share more cat-related reviews in the future.

Pepperoni kitten

First up, we tried the Catazztic Salmon + Larvae & Nooch cat food topper. This topper has discernable pieces of salmon, larvae, and nutritional yeast in it. While Pepperoni isn’t a picky eater yet and scarfs down her regular food, I could tell she was extra excited about the topper pieces. When cats find a special treat they really like, they’ll often grab it and walk away from their food dish to eat it – and that’s exactly what Pepperoni did! So I knew she was loving those topper pieces.

Scout zoe cat food topper

The minnow treats were also a big hit. Scout and Zoe’s makes a bag of Shrimp & Minnow treats that are technically listed under their dog treats, but they also offer a bag of just Minnows for cats or dogs. Pepperoni gets so stinkin’ excited when she sees me grab the minnow bag! They’re freeze-dried whole minnows, so you can see their little eyes – which may gross some people out but I don’t mind. I love that they are just one simple, natural ingredient.

Scout and zoe minnow cat treats

The final product we tried was the Carpius Maximus carp spear treats. These remind me of the tough jerky-style treats I used to get for my pugs! The carp spears are super hard brown strips. Since Pepperoni is still a tiny kitten, I just broke off a small piece for her to try. But even after several minutes of hardcore attempts at chewing, the little piece was still too tough for her kitten teeth so she gave up. No worries though, these treats don’t expire for over 4 months so I bet once she starts getting her adult chompers she’ll be all over these hearty spears. I imagine they make a great treat for grown cats who need something tough to really sink their teeth into.

Scout Zoe cat products

A little about Scout and Zoe’s as a brand – they aren’t owned by some huge corporation, it’s just run by a real pet lover named Cindy. She started the company because her own dog Zoe had allergies and she wanted to find healthy, U.S.-made treats. I love supporting a small business with such a passion for pets. All Scout and Zoe’s products are made right here in the U.S. at facilities with strict standards. In fact, Cindy even tastes the treats herself!

The carp treats help control invasive Asian carp populations in U.S. rivers, which I think is such a cool way to make use of the fish while improving our waterways. And the treats are packaged by intellectually disabled individuals, providing job opportunities for an important cause.

So not only are Scout and Zoe’s treats natural and healthy, the brand is helping people and the planet too. Pepperoni gives all three products her seal of approval – though we’ll wait on the big carp treats until she has grownup teeth! I’d recommend Scout and Zoe’s to any pet owner looking for quality U.S.-made treats. Stay tuned for more kitty product reviews as Pepperoni and I continue our adventure into cat parenting!

Win it: Scout And Zoe’s are offering a giveaway for one winner. You’ll receive the cat food topper. This giveaway is open to the US and will end Sept 8 2023. 

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