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Gone for a few days - and need your ideas! :) | Emily Reviews

Sorry that this is so last minute, but I’m pretty much going to be absent from blogging until next Tuesday or Wednesday. Why?

Tomorrow (Thursday) I am going to spend a lot of time sewing up monsters for Fridays trading frenzie. Plus getting things around to go camping.

Friday is my hometowns yearly celebration, which includes yard sales which I’m going to. We’re also going grocery shopping with my dad and then the 3 of us are going about 2.5 hours up north to the cabin. It’s not really camping because it’s a cabin, that has electricity, but there’s no internet or phone so I won’t be around to blog. We’ll be staying up there until Tuesday or Wednesday, possibly Thursday but that’s unlikely.

So basically I’m done blogging for a week. I have a post set to auto-post Sunday, and am hoping to find time to set up another which will autopost Tuesday or so.

Anyway, I love going to our cabin and its’ so much fun for the first couple of days and then boredom sets in. So I’m interested in your ideas for activities or things to do while we’re up there. We plan to spend a lot of time fishing and swimming, and of course campfires at night, plus there is a tv for after dark but it gets like 3 channels so we’ll probably just bring a few movies. But as far as during the day actives I would love your ideas. I plan to bring a deck of cards and books, plus a volleyball and badminton rackets and a birdie. However, that’s not enough to entertain us for 5+ days so send me your ideas 🙂

This post currently has 4 responses.

  • Bri

    I always take a new craft I’ve been wanting to try with me and my beads – I love making jewelery but I never seem to have time too, so vacations work great. First few days is family time, squeezing as much as we can in. Then we all seem to head our own direction, which gives me time to finally create all the patterns I’ve created.

  • Oh yeah that’s a good idea. I like to sew and have an etsy shop that I neglect the majority of the time. If we have room I might haul my sewing machine up there with me. 🙂

  • I like to bring lots of books and crafty type stuff.

    Is there water near the cabin? You could plan on swimming. Otherwise, maybe a sprinkler?

    Baseball stuff?

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    Stay Fabulous

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