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Quarto Knows Children's Books For Under The Tree | Emily Reviews

Quarto Knows sent me children’s books in exchange for this post. All opinions are my own.

I try to always give the kids in my family a book and a toy for each gift-giving occasion. I think that a child being presented with a book as a gift can help show kids that books are exciting. I try to find books that match up with their other interests to show them that books can be used to explore those interests. Quarto Knows is a great website to check out if you’re looking for books for children. They have a lot of bright and attractive books for kids that are educational. Here are 9 of my top Quarto Knows children’s book picks for holiday gift giving this year.

My little book of sharks quarto knows

My Little Book Of Sharks. I know my nephew Gabe will be excited about this book because he’s really interested in sharks right now. This book has really neat photos and is very informational in teaching kids about sharks without being too long-winded to where it would lose their attention. The book covers questions like how many teeth does a shark have and what do sharks eat. It even goes into rarely heard of shark types, while keeping the amount of text per page to a reasonable level for small attention spans.

Creaturepedia quarto knows

Creaturepedia. My 8 year old niece has loved animals since she was about two years old. I know that she owns a lot of animal-based books and she’s outgrown many of them by age and others she’s outgrown simply because she knows so much about animals at this point. Creaturepedia is a great book for slightly older kids (elementary aged) who still love animals and are looking to learn more details about certain species. This book breaks animals into categories like architects (animals that build), faithful (animals that love), brainboxes (animals that are very smart) etc. The illustrations are whimsical without being baby-ish which is perfect for the elementary group. At 216 pages it’s a large book but it’s a great one for jumping around to subjects that interest you and skipping others. I’m sure it’s one that my niece will come back to over and over because it covers so much information.

the crow'd tale quarto knows

The Crow’s Tale. This book is pretty in illustrations and in the theme of the story. I plan to give this to my 8 year old niece who has dealt with some “friends” who don’t understand or agree with some ways that she is unique. At 8 it’s tough to accept your unique traits when your friends want to use those differences to set you apart. The Crow’s Tale sends the message that courage and kindness are what really matter which is a great message for any child.

My big book of christmas activities quarto knows

My Big Book of Christmas is a new release from Quarto Knows, just in time for Christmas. It includes songs, activities and coloring pages that are Christmas themed. The activities include games like wordsearches and crossword puzzles that are good reading, thinking and writing skills for elementary kids. It would make a great Christmas gift and then can be used to entertain the kids over break until school starts up again if the weather is too cold to stay outside and play.

a journey through space quarto knows

A Journey Through Space is a cute book for introducing kids to space. It discusses basic concepts like asteroids, satellites and comets. It also covers information about our planets and what unique features they have. My 5 year old nephew Gabe asked about rockets recently so I thought this book would be a great way to give him a basic introduction to space.

Silly Baby quarto knows

Silly Baby is about a little girl who gets a new baby brother. At first she doesn’t understand why the baby always cries, poos and gets so much attention. Her grandma helps show her how she can interact with the baby as a big sister and she decides her baby brother isn’t so silly after all. My niece kelsie is 2 and her baby brother was born last week so this will be a perfect gift for her this year.

15 things not to do with a baby quarto knows

15 things NOT to do with a baby is another book that I plan to give to my niece Kelsie who just became a big sister. As the title suggests, it lists 15 things not to do with a baby. The suggestions are very silly such as don’t plant your baby in a garden and don’t lend your baby to a kangaroo. I think this book will be a great way to add some humor to the new-baby brother scenario for Kelsie. I suspect that the humor will even catch the attention of my 5 year old nephew Drew who also just became a big brother (again) when the baby was born.

little hedgehog's big day quarto knows

Little Hedgehog’s Big Day is about a hedgehog’s first day of school. This book would be a great match for a child beginning school, a new sport or any big, new event. It talks about how little hedgehog can’t sleep out of his anxious-excitement and he asks his friends and family members for advice about how to handle and what to expect on his first day. In addition to being a tool to use when helping a child adjust to school, it could also be used to talk about trying new things or gaining independence in general.

Check out the Quarto Knows website for lots more books for children and adults. They have something for everyone!



This post currently has 6 responses.

  • Hayley

    My daughter is only 15 months old, but she loves story time. Every day we read for anywhere from 5 minutes to half an hour, depending on our moods. I am also a reader.
    These books are totally cute and I’m pinning some to her “Library” board on my Pinterest and hopefully we will check them out in the future.

  • love sharing books with my grandkids

  • Deb E

    The books like Silly Baby really help a child understand a new baby coming home. I don’t think they really get it when you try to have “The Talk” with them about their new brother or sister, depending on the child’s age. It’s a whole lot easier to discuss with the help of these cute books too.

  • kathy downey

    This sounds like a wonderful set books ,they would be great for the kids !

  • Rudranew

    These books are completely adorable and I’m pinning a few to her “Library” board on my social platforms. Thanks for sharing.

  • gloria patterson

    All of these books sound really good. But the Creaturepedia book is WOW. I have added to amazon wish list for my great great nephews birthday. When he was 4 and visiting he asked me to send him books on animals. He will be 7 on his birthday and he still loves animal books, so this is perfect for him

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