I have been provided with a Nutrisystem plan in exchange for sharing my honest experience and results on my blog. All opinions are my own.

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Putting together side-by-side before and after pictures of Ryan’s Nutrisystem progress still shocks me every single time. I had taken photos of Ryan for a clothing review and happened to snap a side shot of him. I later realized it would work well to pair up to his “before Nutrisystem” photos seems how we did a side-shot for those. This is what 9.5 months of Nutrisystem has done for Ryan.

Nutrisystem progress pictures 58 pounds lost

Ryan has lost 3 jean sizes and 2 shirt sizes. In fact, he’s probably lost 3 shirt sizes but he prefers to avoid tight shirts. He intentionally wore a tight shirt in his before pictures so that we could document his progress easier, he wouldn’t have normally worn that shirt because that fit is too small in his view. His progress is still just so amazing to me, and it has been every step of the way. This week he hit a new milestone that was really exciting, though. When he did his weigh in he saw something on the scale that he hadn’t seen in about 8 years. A number in the 100’s! Please excuse the socks. He had just been out mowing the yard which is why the grass is stuck to his socks. I’m not sure what’s up with the one being upside down though!

Nutrisystem scale victory

Ryan has about 5 weeks left on Nutrisystem and I can’t wait to see where his progress ends up. He’s so thankful that he decided to give this program a try. It’s been such a positive choice for him.




This post currently has 4 responses.

  • mycraftingworld

    Now that is something to be proud of. I know staying on a diet is hard but he has done very good. I bet he feels so much better for it too. Congratulations Ryan.

  • Lauryn R

    Congratulations Ryan!! It has been awesome getting to read about his progress through your posts! The before and after pictures are amazing, it’s definitely something to be proud of! 🙂 It proves that as long as you stick with it and stay disciplined, a program like Nutrasystem truly does work!

  • Deb E

    What incentive to look back at these pictures and what Ryan learned in the process. I hope he knows he gives motivation to a lot of guys, and girls, that you can really do it healthy and steadily for weight loss success.

  • kathy downey

    He must be so proud of himself,amazing job.Weight lost is not an easy task.He looks wonderful !

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