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Duke Toy Co. Knock-it Rocket ~ Review | Emily Reviews

Thank you to Duke Toy Co. for providing me with product, free of charge, in exchange for this honest blog review. All opinions are 100% my own.

Duke Toy Co. has a mission to create easy to use toys. They want to create a line of toys that are fun for everyone in the family. They hope that through playing with their toys, people will be more physically active and enjoy the simple things in life.

For my review, Duke Toy Co. sent me their first product; it is called the Knock-it Rocket.

Duke Toy Co. Knock-it Rocket

The Knock-it Rocket is easy to use. Simply hand bump the lever on the bottom of the rocket as you let it fly through the air. This is a similar action you would use to serve a volleyball.

As you can see in the photos, my family had fun playing with the Knock-it Rocket. We had ages four years old through to early 60s…and grandma with her broken foot. Everyone was able to get in on the fun. After playing with the Knock-it Rockets for a while we decided to make a game with them. We got out a few hula-hoops and assigned each ring a different point value. We took turns trying to land our Knock-it Rockets in the rings. Whoever scored the most points before dinner time was the winner. We had a blast doing this. My kids have also played catch and keep-away with our Knock-it Rockets. Their is no wrong way to play with them.

Duke Toy Co. Knock-it Rocket

Don’t leave your Knock-it Rocket at home. They are perfect to take with you to the beach, pool, and park. Next time you see Knock-it Rockets at the store, grab a few of them. The more players the more fun!

Buy It: Please visit the Duke Toy Co. website to learn more about the Knock-it Rocket. The Knock-it Rocket is available for purchase on

Connect: Don’t forget to follow Duke Toy Co. on facebook, twitter, and instagram for the latest product announcements and special offers.

WIN IT: THREE winners will each receive one Knock-it Rocket. This is a US giveaway and it is set to end on 8/25/2016. Good luck!

Laurie 2014 signature


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