baked salmon with italian herb crust
By Amber

June 29th, 2021

It’s Amber, coming at you with another delicious salmon meal! If you couldn’t tell, our family loves wild caught salmon. We make a variation of it at least once a week. Wild caught salmon is so healthy and our kids always love these recipes. Since this one was so popular, I figured I’d share it with you! 

Baked Salmon with Italian Herb Crust

baked salmon with italian herb crust

For this recipe, you’ll need salmon (wild-caught is best!), dried basil leaves, parmesan cheese, diced garlic, Italian seasoning and bread crumbs OR Italian Panko bread crumbs which is what I used. Using the Italian style bread crumbs makes the recipe simpler, and we’d had some in the cupboard for months so it was time to use them up! Preheat the oven to 400°F and line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.

baked salmon with italian herb crust

First you’ll mix the bread crumbs, parmesan, garlic, and basil in a bowl. Then, pat down the salmon to remove any excess liquid and cover the top of the salmon with your breading mixture. You’ll want to press it into the salmon as best you can. Then melt your butter and pour the butter over the top of the breading.

baked salmon with italian herb crust

Bake the salmon in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until cooked to your liking. We prefer ours on the medium side, but I know some prefer their salmon to be well done so you may want to adjust for time. I would check it after fifteen minutes and go from there.

baked salmon with italian herb crust

Your salmon will come out crusted and slightly darker than when you put it in. Then, just cut into portions and serve! We ate ours with a green salad and side of gnocci from Costco. The kids were begging for more and we didn’t end up with any leftovers, which means it was a great meal at my house!

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Baked Salmon with Italian Herb Crust Recipe
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 5 servings
This is a tasty salmon dish that's perfect for any season. With an Italian herb crust, it's best served with salad and a side of gnocci!
  • 2 pound whole salmon filet
  • ½ stick butter
  • ⅓ cup Italian style Panko bread crumbs
  • ⅓ cup parmesan cheese
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 Tbsp dried basil leaves
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F
  2. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil
  3. Pat down the salmon and place on baking sheet
  4. Mix together bread crumbs, parmesan, garlic, basil leaves, salt, and pepper in small bowl
  5. Spread breading mixture over salmon
  6. Melt butter and pour over salmon
  7. Bake for 15-20 minutes checking for doneness around 15 minutes
  8. Cut salmon into portions and serve with a green salad and gnocci, or other sides that you prefer!

baked salmon recipe

What’s your favorite way to cook salmon? Let me know in the comments!





This post currently has 15 responses.

  • Sarah L

    I love finding new recipes for salmon. It’s my favorite fish.

  • Lauryn R

    This sounds like another great salmon recipe! I love breaded fish, it adds a lot of flavor and texture. I will definitely be making this. Thank you so much for sharing the recipe!

  • monique s

    I am a big fan of salmon so will try this recipe for sure

  • Leela

    That looks really delicious.

  • Dana Rodriguez

    Usually we grill fresh salmon. I need to give this recipe a try!

  • gloria patterson

    Since it is only me I like trying new ways to fix salmon. I have salmon at least 5 times a month and always try to fix different sides to go with it. Have never fixed gnocci as a side but I think the next salmon will have it .

  • Tara Enright

    I love salmon and I love when it’s coated with spices and breading but not to much that it’s overpowering. I love a honey glazed too it’s really YUMMY!

  • Lesley F

    Salmon is one of my favorite things to eat and this looks amazing!


    I have never tried baked salmon. It sounds wonderful. Thank you for the re

  • Sue E

    I love salmon 🍣 I have never tried it this way, but I sure will now! That’s some good breading!!

  • christy gamber

    This is a great recipe. Ive been looking for new ways to cook salmon! I cant wait to try this.

  • Tara Enright

    I loved Salmon, but I didn’t know I could coat it with some season every time I cook I swear I am always forgetting because I am not much of a cook like my mom is I made salmon one day and just did easy salt and pepper with garlic and then squeezed lemon on top when it was done it was good but not as good as this dish looks.

  • Shirley O

    I am a huge fan of salmon and like trying new recipes. This dish looks amazing and I will definitely give this recipe a try.

  • Thomas Gibson

    Some say that a picture is worth a thousand words. I only need one word for this photo. YUMMY!

  • Douglas

    I love dinner recipes that are easy to make and uses simple ingredients I already have like panko, butter, garlic, Parmesan and dried basil. Gonna try this one out!

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