Robot Vacuum, Robot Mop, Alexa, Clean Home, Gift Idea, Holiday Gift Guide, Wedding Gift, New House Gift, Gradutaion Gift
Thank you to Dreame Technology for providing me with products to facilitate my blog review. All opinions are 100% my own.
If you follow my reviews regularly, then you know I am always looking for products to help keep my home clean and smelling fresh. We live on a mini-farm and have indoor dogs. The dogs are constantly tracking dirt inside and shedding all over the place. I vacuum and mop almost daily just trying to keep up. I was venting to my family about cleaning the dogs’ messes when it was suggested we look into a new vacuum cleaner. I started looking around on the internet and found a company called Dreame Technology. 
Dreame Technology was established in 2015 with a vision to “enhance the living quality of global users”. They do this by providing cleaning appliances that incorporate astrodynamics technologies. In 2017, Dreame Technology joined the Xiaomi Ecological Chain. Dream Technology offers its customers many “smart” cleaning devices (vacuums and mops) to make cleaning our floors a much easier and less time-consuming chore. In the next 5 years, Dreame Technology’s focus will be on innovation with a goal of learning more about customers’ needs so they may better make our household cleaning process easier.
Dreame Technology offers its customers and line of wet and dry vacuums/mops, cordless stick vacuums, and robot vacuums and mops. For my review, I received the Dreametech Bot D9 Robot Vacuum and Mop.
Robot Vacuum, Robot Mop, Alexa, Clean Home, Gift Idea, Holiday Gift Guide, Wedding Gift, New House Gift, Gradutaion Gift
The Dreametech Bot D9 Robot Vacuum and Mop has an internal LiDAR System that produces a map of your home (and plans the most efficient way to clean it). You can program this amazing Robot Vacuum to clean at night in the dark while you’re relaxing or better yet, getting some well-deserved sleep. Or have the Dreametech Bot D9 Robot Vacuum and Mop to do its thing while you’re out enjoying time with your family or friends. There is nothing better than coming home to a clean house…well, maybe to dinner cooked and the laundry put away. Perhaps Dreametech can work on that next…just kidding.
Not only do you not have to move chairs, couches, tables, etc. but you can tell this Robot whether you want it to vacuum or mop (or both). You also get the benefits of four suction setting options and three water level options.
Do you have hard floorings such as wood or tile, or do you have carpets, or perhaps your home as a little of both? No problem. The Dreametech Bot D9 Robot Vacuum and Mop can sense a change in floor levels and adjust its height by .78 inches. Not only does it know that the floor height is changing but it also senses a change in the type of surface. In other words, if it moves from a smooth surface like hardwood or tile to carpet, it automatically knows to increase the amount of suction.
Robot Vacuum, Robot Mop, Alexa, Clean Home, Gift Idea, Holiday Gift Guide, Wedding Gift, New House Gift, Gradutaion Gift
If you have a large home, no worries because the Dreametech Bot D9 Robot can run for 150 minutes on one charge. Everything about this Robot Vacuum and Mob is efficient. From the microfiber mop pads that are reusable to the .01 gallon dust tank and .04 gallon water tank as well as a highly efficient filter.
The Dreametech Bot D9 Robot Vacuum and Mob can even remove stains.
If you want, you can even program your Dreametech Robot Vacuum and Mob to respond to your voice through Alexa. You don’t even need to be in the house to start the cleaning process. How great is that?!
I really appreciate having the Dreametech Bot D9 Robot Vacuum and Mop. It helps me keep my floors free of dust, dirt, and dog hair!
Robot Vacuum, Robot Mop, Alexa, Clean Home, Gift Idea, Holiday Gift Guide, Wedding Gift, New House Gift, Gradutaion Gift
Buy It: Please visit the Dreame Technology website to see the great selection of products they offer and convenient shopping locations.
Connect: Don’t forget to follow Dreame Technology on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the latest product announcements and special offers.

This post currently has 9 responses.

  • Peggy Nunn

    I really want one of these. It would help me so much. Thank you for the review.

  • Helga

    What an amazing device! I have indoor dogs and cats and like you I’m always mopping and sweeping. This would help me so much!

  • Melissa Storms

    I really need to check this out. Same here with the mud and the shedding too. We have a cat and dog and right now the are both shedding like crazy. I brush them both daily and still I am vacuuming and wet mopping at least twice a day.

  • Joshua Staten

    I personally would love to to get one of these robot vacuums but I’d probably be greeted with my dog barking at it or constantly running away from it, and my cat probably sitting on it just to harass the dog. But hey what are the holidays for but irritating your siblings. 😀

  • Susan Marina Brown Lane

    I have cats and a dog. I was wondering if it could be programmed to avoid falling down the stairs. I saw that it can make a map of your house. Will it avoid the stairs? That would really sell me. I have hardwood floors that are a royal pain to keep clean – with 5 of us living here and our pets!

  • Diane Eral

    I like that you can vacuum and mop at the same time. I can program this and use this at night while I am sleeping. Although it might scare the cat, I am sure she will sleep with me and it would not be a problem. Oh for sure, I need this!

  • Ashley Parks

    This looks like a great vacuum. While our dogs and chickens are outside/coop/shed animals, I also have 3 kids and tropical birds in the house. We could definitely use something like this! I could use some help keeping up with the vacuuming, especially while we are homeschooling.

  • Donna

    Vacuuming is definitely not my favorite chore and I have three dogs, so I have to vacuum a lot. This would be so convenient to have in my home! It would be great to have it vacuum while I sleep at night.

  • Tara Enright

    I like that it can remove stains. This is a nice product. Never seen one that mops though. I think this would be perfect for a new time house buyer for sure.

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