Playology Pets - Best Toys For Puppies

This ‘Playology Pets – Best Toys For Puppies’ post is sponsored by Playology.  As always, all opinions are my own.

Playology Pets – Best Toys For Puppies

This spring, we got a new puppy!  The kids had been asking to get a new dog for awhile now and a family at church had an unexpected litter.  They had just one pup left when they heard we were possibly looking to add a fur baby to our home and the stars aligned —  Meet Smokey!  

As you may know, puppies love to chew.  We’ve already lost an entry way bench thanks to Smokey so I decided we needed to find some new toys to help keep his interest while also satisfying his need to chew.  Enter Playology Pets.

Playology Pets - Best Toys For Puppies

Did You Celebrate National Puppy Day?

National Puppy Day was March 23rd this year and even though the dedicated day may be past, there’s no better time to celebrate your puppy than right now!  Seize the moment today and enjoy your pets.  And what better way to celebrate these four-legged family members than with toys designed specifically for your pup’s sensory development and natural instincts!  Playology is an innovative provider of instinctively engaging dog toys as they know how important a dog’s younger years are for setting the stage for a healthy and happy life.
Playology Pets - Best Toys For Puppies

Fun Toys For Your Puppy Or Dog

For puppies 8-16 weeks, Playology developed sensory development toys with interesting textures and materials to aide in sensory development. For pups going through the dreaded teething phase (like over here with my poor chewed up bench!), they even have toys soft enough to chew but tough enough to last, even including a fun squeaker inside.

Playology Pets - Best Toys For Puppies

What Makes Playology Extra Unique?  SCENTS!

There’s something extra special about Playology Dog Toys that I haven’t told you about yet… they’re designed with some of dogs’ favorites scents built in!  Playology dog toys feature the things dogs crave most so you can choose from the following scents:

  • all natural chicken ?
  • beef ?
  • peanut butter ?
  • cheddar cheese ?

Playology Pets - Best Toys For Puppies

Chewing and playing has never been this much fun!  We received the following toys:


Playology Pets - Best Toys For Puppies

We love our new Playology Pets toys as they seem very well made and a good choice for sensory play.  Smokey has been having a great time playing and chewing with them too.  I had invested in some other toys before I found Playology and he quickly lost interest.  I don’t know if it’s the scent or overall design, but Smokey is completely infatuated with his Playology toys!  So if you have a dog in your life, be sure to check them out as they’ve been a huge hit in our home.

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This post currently has 10 responses.

  • Ashley Parks

    Those puppy teeth can tear up a lot! Toys are always fun & these sound especially engaging! I love that these are scented! We’ve also had good luck with frozen carrots when our puppies were being little dinosaurs.

  • Peggy Nunn

    Those are good toys…. better than you shoes. I like the rope.

  • Maria Egan

    Puppies are so cute and adorable but they sure are work. Having the scent in the toy is a good idea.

  • Lauryn R

    What an adorable puppy, congrats! We got a puppy last October and she definitely chews A LOT! These toys sound great, I love that they are scented! I know all dogs would love that. They seem really durable, too.

  • Anita

    My youngest fur baby is a chewer but not a destroyer. These would be great for him

  • Ashley Parks

    I love that their are National Puppy and Dog days! So fun! I just ordered my dog a flick line for playing chase. I know she would love some toys like these too! She loves all her toys. Now, if I could just get her to pick them up and put them in a box for clean up! haha!

  • gloria patterson

    Sharing with my niece they got a puppy a couple of weeks ago. And so far the puppys favorite thing to chew is great niece’s daddy’s shoes. Not just one pair but a second pair before he stopped leaving them on the floor. these sound like great toys

  • Lisa Lawton

    Congrats on your new puppy!! We rescued our Henry May of 2022. He was so tiny and now he’s 60 lbs. He was a chewer as a puppy and still loves to chew on things. It’s harder to find things now that he doesn’t chew up in a day haha!

  • Anita

    I need these! My 2 fur babies are chewers and will love this!

  • Helga

    It’s worth it to spend money on quality pet toys. These do look so durable and appealing to dogs.

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