By Amber

June 19th, 2023

Thank you to NewAir for sending me this freezer. As always, all opinions are my own.

A few years back we started purchasing beef in bulk from one of my friends who owns a farm. We quickly learned that even a quarter of a cow takes up quite a bit of space! We needed a chest freezer, and we had one up until a few months ago when it broke down. When NewAir reached out with a new mini chest freezer option, I knew it would be a great fit for our family.


NewAir Mini Deep Chest Freezer in Cool Gray – NFT050GA00

The NewAir Mini Deep Chest Freezer – NFT 050GA00 in Cool Gray has a sleek design – even though we keep it in a back room in our entry way, I LOVE how it looks! This chest freezer holds 5 Cu. Ft. and is fairly compact. We don’t need a gigantic freezer but I definitely need more than what’s available above our fridge. This freezer can hold a quarter of a cow as well as additional frozen products that we purchase. 

newair compact chest freezer

As you can see, it offers a digital display so there’s no more guessing what temperature our food is. I took this photo right when I plugged it in and it was a whopping 75 degrees in the back room! It cooled down very quickly to 32° F after I plugged it in. This freezer has a range of 50° F for cellaring all the way down to -14.8° F for a deep freeze so you can choose the optimal temperature for your needs. One of my favorite features is the “fast freezing” option – it injects extra-cold air to flash-freeze room-temperature foods. My husband is a deer hunter and we always process our own venison up at my parents’ house. As you can expect, the meat is room-temperature when we bring it home, so fast-freezing is a great option for us to prevent ice crystals and freezer burn on our fresh meat! 

newair deep freeze

The door-activated LED light in this NewAir Mini Deep Chest Freezer is an awesome feature also. Our back room is fairly dim, so the light makes it easy to find what I’m looking for quickly. The door stays open to make it simpler to load and unload, too! 

NewAir Mini Deep Chest Freezer

Even though this is a compact mini freezer, there’s tons of space! There’s even a removable storage basket which we use for popsicles in the summer. Our kids love that they can grab the basket from the freezer to share “freezies” with all of the neighborhood kids. 

NewAir Mini Deep Chest Freezer

Overall, we absolutely love this freezer and can’t imagine going back to life before a chest freezer. It’s the perfect size for our family of four and because of its compact size, it could be great for anyone including those living in small apartments. As with all NewAir products, we love the quality and craftsmanship and we know it will last a long time.

  • Buy it: NewAir
  • Discount: EMILYFREEZER






This post currently has 3 responses.

  • Peggy Nunn

    I like the digital readout and I like the light in the lid. It is very nice.

  • Leela

    We are looking for a new one. It looks pretty amazing.

  • Joey Simmonds

    I have heard of Newair brand before. They have some good products. I have heard that the wine fridge is getting to be popular in homes now. And the portable air conditioner works great. We know a couple that has one.

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